Crappy video games explained
Kotaku is one of my favorite blogs. As an avid gamer, I find they have generally relevant content on a daily basis. I wasn’t expecting this gem, though: Wii Games Hit The Bargain Bin Faster Than PS3, 360 Ones.
While the summary of the article is fairly obvious, as anyone that has been to a big box store recently has seen the glut of (for example) Petz titles that should really be thrown into the nearest bonfire or airlock.
In particular, I found this part particularly revealing:
Looking at how long it takes a game to enter “price protection”, which is a term used for when a publisher – having noticed a game isn’t selling very well – lowers the wholesale cost of a game so that retailers can keep it on the shelves at full price, even when the public are ignoring it. What they’ve found is that this practice occurs for 7.5% of 360 games. And 9.09% of PS3 games. But the Wii? It happens for 15.1% of titles.
[18:27] Andrew: now we know why petz: bunniez 2 is still on the shelves
[18:29] Hillary: Because it’s cheaper for the store to put shitty games on the shelf, and they make more money per sale than the good ones. Got it.
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