Here are some helpful hints for those using the amazing scripting program/framework/language AutoHotKey. When you copy, you need to wait for the text to appear on the clipboard. If you
Here are some helpful hints for those using the amazing scripting program/framework/language AutoHotKey. When you copy, you need to wait for the text to appear on the clipboard. If you
Not long after my friend and fellow GT alum Paul moved to San Fran, I found myself in a similar situation but for different reasons, and took a different approach
At the moment, I’ve uploaded what Hillary and I created during Hack Week to, and am reposting that here. We ended up submitting six hacks, and won an award
This article is reposted from an article I wrote for The Technique (official site, Wikipedia article), published on March 19, 2010. (html). I’d imagine that the musical tastes of Tech
If you have a WordPress installation that you control, I highly recommend installing the WPtouch iPhone Theme. It’s painless to install, easily configurable, and creates a fast-loading and intuitive mobile