Fill out as many of the forms below as you feel comfortable sharing. We will never give out or sell your email address or any information about you to anyone not directly involved in this project.
Contact information
In case we have any questions about your responses, we’d like to be able to get back to you.
Name: | |
Gender: |
Male Female No response |
Email: | |
Getting to know youThis is some demographic data to assist in our analysis of the interface’s effectiveness for different user groups. | |
How experienced are you with video games? | |
No experience Beginner Intermediate Advanced Expert |
How often do you play video games? | |
Rarely Seldom Occasionally Weekly Daily |
FeedbackHere, we’d like your thoughts about the good and (especially) the bad things about the game idea and design. |
On a scale from 1 to 5 (1 being not fun at all, 5 being the most awesome game ever), did you think the game was fun? Don’t worry, you won’t hurt our feelings. | |
1 2 3 4 5 |
What do you like about the game? | |
What didn’t you like about the game? | |
Did you have any problems figuring out the controls? | |
Any other comments? | |
Finishing upDon’t forget to submit this form when you’ve finished! |
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