Share iTunes song with AutoHotKey and Dropbox
I wanted to quickly share the song that was playing in iTunes with a contact; I’ve been using Dropdox for a while, so I figured that would be a good way to do so. If you don’t have a dropbox account, go get one here. The hardest part was actually getting the link copied to the clipboard; you must currently stick your own user ID into dropbox.ahk
as I do not know how to pull that from the system. I was able to get the dropbox folder location, but I don’t know if that will work on other machines.
You need to include the following source files for this to work:
The code I’ve written is all in dropbox.ahk on this server. To use the functions that I wrote, you’d assign it to a hotkey:
;; place these lines in the auto-execute section of the script COM_Init() #include COM.ahk #include iTunes.ahk #include dropbox.ahk Media_Stop:: CopySongToDropbox() Return
The iTunes library this code depends on it also pretty neat. I’ve included the following in my own script from it:
^#i:: iTunes_Info() Return Media_Next:: iTunes("NextTrack") Return Media_Play_Pause:: iTunes("PlayPause") Return Media_Prev:: iTunes("PreviousTrack") Return
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